Sunday 26 May 2013

Greece Economy Crisis

Greece Economy Crisis

A few years back, the world economy witnessed a decline in economic activities causing a serious economic crisis. Before the world economy went into recession, Greece had an economy that was growing at a very fast rate. From early 2003 up to 2007, Greece’s Gross Domestic Product increased by about 4%. In the same period, the country recorded a decline in the rate of the unemployment which stood at 8.3% in 2007. However, Greece experienced an economic crisis in 2008 where the country’s economic growth reduced to 2%.  In the following year, the situation became worse forcing the country to go into recession. Greece’s economic crisis had severe effects on many manufacturing industries including those dealing with consumer goods, aircraft, automobiles, and building materials. It also became extremely difficult for the country to maintain its airlines and other logistics used to control a large part of Greece’s economy.


Greece’s economic crisis can be linked to a number of causes which include the following. The main cause of Greece’s economic crisis was tightening of various credit conditions, and the failure by Athens to come up with appropriate measures for dealing with the increasing budget deficit. The increase in budget deficit was caused by a reduction of government revenues as well as an increase in government spending. Greece failed to honor and respect the European Growth and Stability Pact that was against a budget deficit that exceeds 3% of the total Gross Domestic Product. When Greece experienced economic crisis, the budget deficit had reached close to 12.7% of Gross Domestic Product Secondly, the Greece economic crisis was caused by increased domestic and foreign debts, and chronic imbalances. The effect of these situations is that Greece was placed at a very disadvantageous position in regard to the value spent during the process of servicing the debt. The increased indebtedness by the Greece government posed very serious omission risks due to the various variations in the rates of exchange. It is worthy to mention that the economic crisis in Greece had a negative impact on the country especially in its financial system, investment, banks, and unemployment. Another cause of the Greek economic crisis was the lack of key reforms within the product market. The country lacked effective mechanisms for encouraging entry to various professions and industries. This made it difficult for Greece to promote investment in the country.


Possible solutions to the Greece economy crisis may include the following: to start with, the government should establish appropriate measures for increasing investor confidence so that they can be motivated to engage in investments in the country. The government are should not result in reducing its level of spending since this practice can easily slow down the process of economic recovery. In situations where the government finds it difficult to increase its spending level as a way of attracting investors it should consider developing other incentives that can be used with other economic policies to improve the economy. However the government should not overuse incentives in offsetting an economy during recession. This is because the practice can turn out to be very dangerous especially in circumstances where the economy is capable by itself. In case such a situation is observed, the banks’ rates of interest should be increased in order to counteract the effects associated with stimulus packages. Another solution to the economic crisis would be to make the countr economy more competitive. To achieve this, the government should be in a position to provide a strong and stable institutional framework. This helps to promote entrepreneurship and investment. While undertaking this process, it is important to abolish ineffective regulations and come up with new and effective regulations. An all-inclusive regulatory reform can offer significant contribution in raising the competitiveness of the economy in Greece. Such a move also helps to reverse the negative effects caused by the crisis to individuals’ incomes. Thirdly, key reforms should be carried out in the product market. This should involve enactment of regulations that facilitate entry of both professionals and industries into the market. It is also important to check on monopoly practices while strengthening market competition. Lastly the government should abolish regulations that provide employers with power to terminate employees from work. This would be very advantageous to the workers and eventually increase investment level in the country.


From above discussion, it is observed that a crisis in an economy can lead to serious consequences in the affected country. For the case of Greece, the economy crisis witnessed in early 2008 had a lot of negative effects that included reduced economic growth and increase in the unemployment rate. Based on the fact that any other country can experience a similar crisis, it is important for countries to establish proper mechanisms for preventing the occurrence of  an economic crisis. For example, a government should develop effective ways of attracting investors into the country to help increase the level of investment. It is also important for the government to control its level of budget deficit.






Greece Economy - overview - Economy. (n.d.). Index Mundi - Country Facts. Retrieved May 28, 2013, from

Greece GDP Growth Rate | Data | Chart | Forecast | News. (n.d.). TRADING ECONOMICS | 300.000 INDICATORS FROM 196 COUNTRIES. Retrieved May 28, 2013, from

BBC News - Greece recession and debt problems even worse. (n.d.). BBC - Homepage. Retrieved May 28, 2013, from

greek-economy. (n.d.). greek-economy. Retrieved May 26, 2013, from

greek-economy. (n.d.). greek-economy. Retrieved May 28, 2013, from

greek economy. (n.d.). greek-economy. Retrieved May 28, 2013, from

greek economy. (n.d.). greek-economy. Retrieved May 28, 2013, from


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